Our Story – Goose Ridge Soaps, LLC Skip to content

A Tale of Two Soap Ladies

It started in 2017 in southern Maryland.  We were looking for fun and creative Christmas gifts for our family and friends.  Not being the types that do anything half way, we decided to go "all in" and make our own cold process soap.  Everyone who received our unique gifts that year told us how much they loved our soaps and encouraged us to sell them.  We started out as a word-of-mouth social media based business called TBS Soap Club, and had a small, but loyal following. 

In 2019, Kim got married and moved from southern Maryland to Hampstead, Maryland, and when the soap ladies became separated by 100 miles, the soap making stopped.  In June of 2020, Janice and her family relocated to Hampstead, Maryland and the soap ladies got the old band back together!  With big changes come big changes, and we relaunched as Goose Ridge Soaps in November 2020.  Welcome to our page and we hope you love our products as much as we love creating them!      

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